10 Items you need for a Road Trip — Tech-Tani

Peter Aniedi Akpantuen
4 min readJun 12, 2019

While most people always have a trunk packed full with high tech kits for travel some do not even have spare tyres. It could be out of ignorance most times or simple negligence. But whatever the case maybe, always remember that SAFETY is not something to joke with.

In this post, I have carefully selected 10 items you need especially for a road trip.

Jump Starter Kit

This device enables you start your vehicle when your battery runs down. Sometimes leaving your doors open for too long or leaving some electronic devices on in the vehicle when the engine is not running can quickly drain your car battery. With this device, you are always covered. It comes with plug in heads for other mobile gadgets including laptops.

Tyre Inflator

Driving with under-inflated tyres can reduce fuel efficiency of your vehicle and cause your tyres to wear faster. With this device always in your car, you are sure flat tyres won’t keep you on the road.

AntiSleep Device

The CDC reports that 1 in 25 adults say they’ve fallen asleep behind the wheel and that’s pretty alarming. Drowsy driving results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries, and $12.5 billion in monetary losses each year, according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

This device could be the answer. This Anti Sleep Drowsy Alarm Alert Device is an innovative, potentially lifesaving anti-drowsiness alarm. It is worn over the ear and has an electronic position sensor. When your head nods forward, it sounds a loud alarm to instantly wake you and alert your passengers.

First Aid Kits

You do not need to be told how important this kit is. It should be a must have in every vehicle. Even if you are not involved in an accident, some other person might need it. Please get one today.

Duct Tape

The universal tool you can never go wrong with. Tape on a mirror or a light in case of an emergency. It can even hold a detached bumper temporary. At least it will get you home.

Fire Extinguisher

I know you will say you have never experienced a fire incidence before, because you are always careful enough to avoid one. However careful you are, you need a fire extinguisher in your car at all times. Remember I said if it doesn’t happen to you, it could happen to someone near you and you can save a life.

Tyre Traction Mat

Want to get out of that muddy, slippery and sticky situation? Get a pair of this.

We all know how muddy our roads are especially during the rains. This will really come in handy whenever your car gets stuck. Thank me later!

Spare Tyre

Every vehicle comes with a spare tyre or at least a space to put one. I initially didn’t want to include this in the post because the spare tyre is always available in your car (except you intentionally take it out). But I have to include it so you wont think I forgot. Please get a replacement ASAP if yours is not available again.

Window Breaker/Seatbelt Cutter

I know you are probably saying “do I really need this? in your mind. Yes you do need it. There are some life threatening situations where the seatbelt gets stuck and you cannot escape.

It is advised to always keep this tool inside the vehicle, somewhere your hand can easily reach while still sited. It also has a sharp end you can use to break the windows for easy escape in case of danger.

Reflective Caution Sign

When getting a caution sign, make sure to get a reflective one so that drivers far away can see it and slow down.

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Originally published at https://tech-tani.com on June 12, 2019.



Peter Aniedi Akpantuen

Basically, I love tech and always happy to share my knowledge. I am a Materials Engineer. I am very much open to new ideas and learning